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Shipping Case Manufacturer

Custom Shipping Cases: How to Design the Perfect Case for Your Unique Needs

If you’re transporting sensitive or valuable equipment, you know the importance of using high-quality shipping cases. However, finding the right case for your unique needs can be challenging. That’s where custom shipping cases come in. With a custom case, you can design a solution that meets your exact requirements and offers the highest level of protection for your gear.

At Cabbage Cases, we specialize in creating custom shipping cases for a wide range of industries, from military and aerospace to medical and industrial. This post will guide you through the process of designing the perfect custom case for your needs.

Identify Your Requirements

The first step in designing a custom shipping case is to identify your requirements. What kind of equipment are you transporting, and what are the dimensions and weight of the gear? What are the environmental conditions in which the case will be used, such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to dust and water? Do you need the case to be stackable or easy to move on wheels? Answering these questions will help you determine the size, shape, and materials needed for your custom case.

Choose Your Materials

The next step is to choose the right materials for your custom case. At Cabbage Cases, we offer a variety of options, including hard plastic, aluminum, and composite materials. Each material has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to choose the right one for your needs. For example, hard plastic is lightweight and affordable but not as strong as aluminum. Aluminum is incredibly strong and durable but can be heavy and more expensive than plastic.

Consider Custom Foam Inserts

One of the benefits of custom shipping cases is the ability to create custom foam inserts that provide a perfect fit for your equipment. Foam inserts not only protect your gear from impact and vibration but also keep everything organized and secure during transport. At Cabbage Cases, we use advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software to create custom foam inserts that precisely match the contours of your equipment.

Decide on Additional Features

Finally, consider any additional features you may need for your custom case. For example, you may want to include wheels or handles for easy transportation. You may also want to add locks or other security features to prevent theft or unauthorized access. Other options include pressure relief valves, humidity indicators, and custom branding to promote your company or product.

We’ve Got Your Case

With these steps in mind, you’re ready to design the perfect custom shipping case for your needs. At Cabbage Cases, we have over 40 years of experience in creating custom cases that meet the highest standards of protection and durability. Call us at (614) 486-2495 to learn more about how we can help you transport your valuable equipment safely and securely.